Azure REST API with Azure CLI
graph TD A[Initial Access: Azure Credentials Found] --> B[Login to Azure using PowerShell Az Module or Azure CLI] B --> C[Enumerate Tenant Information] C --> D[Discover Subscriptions] D --> E[Enumerate Resources in Subscription] E --> F[Check for Role Assignments and Permissions] F --> G[Enumerate Administrative Units] G --> H[Check for Roles in Administrative Units] H --> I[Exploit Administrative Unit Permissions] F --> J[Enumerate Virtual Machines] F --> K[Enumerate Storage Accounts] F --> L[Enumerate Service Principals] J --> M[Lateral Movement: Attempt Access to VMs] K --> N[Download Blob Storage Content] L --> O[Privilege Escalation via Service Principals] M --> P[Post-Exploitation on VMs] N --> Q[Exfiltrate Data from Storage Accounts] O --> R[Set New Secrets for Service Principals] R --> S[Re-Login using New Privileges] S --> T[Further Resource Enumeration and Privilege Escalation]
1. List All Administrative Units
az rest --method GET --url | jq
az rest --method GET --url | jq '.value[] | {displayName, id}'
PS> az rest --method GET --url | jq -r '.value[] | .id'
2. Get Scoped Role Members of an Administrative Unit
az rest --method GET --url "<administrativeUnitId>/scopedRoleMembers" | jq '.value[]'
3. Get a Directory Role by Role ID
az rest --method GET --url "<roleID>" --headers "Content-Type=application/json" | jq
4. List Members of an Administrative Unit
az rest --method GET --url "<administrativeUnitId>/members" | jq '.value[]'
5. Get All Users in a Directory
az rest --method GET --url "" | jq '.value[]'
6. Get a Specific User by ID
az rest --method GET --url "<userID>" | jq
7. List All Groups in a Directory
az rest --method GET --url "" | jq '.value[]'
8. Get a Specific Group by ID
az rest --method GET --url "<groupID>" | jq
9. List All Service Principals in the Directory
az rest --method GET --url "" | jq '.value[]'
10. Get Service Principal by ID
az rest --method GET --url "<servicePrincipalId>" | jq
11. List All Applications
az rest --method GET --url "" | jq '.value[]'
12. Get Application by ID
az rest --method GET --url "<applicationId>" | jq
13. List All Directory Roles
az rest --method GET --url "" | jq '.value[]'
14. List Role Assignments for a Specific Role
az rest --method GET --url "<roleID>/members" | jq '.value[]'
15. Get Details of Azure Subscription
az rest --method GET --url "<subscriptionId>?api-version=2020-01-01" --headers "Content-Type=application/json" | jq
16. List Resources in a Resource Group
az rest --method GET --url "<subscriptionId>/resourcegroups/<resourceGroupName>/resources?api-version=2020-06-01" --headers "Content-Type=application/json" | jq '.value[]'
17. List All Virtual Machines
az rest --method GET --url "<subscriptionId>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines?api-version=2020-06-01" --headers "Content-Type=application/json" | jq '.value[]'
18. List All Storage Accounts
az rest --method GET --url "<subscriptionId>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts?api-version=2019-06-01" --headers "Content-Type=application/json" | jq '.value[]'
19. List All Blobs in a Storage Account Container
az rest --method GET --url "https://<storageAccountName><containerName>?restype=container&comp=list&api-version=2020-04-08" --headers "x-ms-version=2020-04-08" | jq
20. List All Role Assignments in a Subscription
az rest --method GET --url "<subscriptionId>/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?api-version=2020-10-01" --headers "Content-Type=application/json" | jq '.value[]'