Tool - BloodHound AzureHoundCustomQuery

Collection of custom BloodHound queries

Name Category Query
Return all Members of the 'Global Administrator' Role Azure - General MATCH p =(n)-[r:AZGlobalAdmin*1..]->(m) RETURN p
Return all Members of High Privileged Roles Azure - General MATCH p=(n)-[:AZHasRole|AZMemberOf*1..2]->(r:AZRole) WHERE r.displayname =~ '(?i)Global Administrator|User Administrator|Cloud Application Administrator|Authentication Policy Administrator|Exchange Administrator|Helpdesk Administrator|PRIVILEGED AUTHENTICATION ADMINISTRATOR|Domain Name Administrator|Hybrid Identity Administrator|External Identity Provider Administrator|Privileged Role Administrator|Partner Tier2 Support|Application Administrator|Directory Synchronization Accounts' RETURN p
Return all Members of High Privileged Roles synced from OnPrem AD Azure - General MATCH p=(n WHERE n.onpremisesyncenabled = true)-[:AZHasRole|AZMemberOf*1..2]->(r:AZRole WHERE r.displayname =~ '(?i)Global Administrator|User Administrator|Cloud Application Administrator|Authentication Policy Administrator|Exchange Administrator|Helpdesk Administrator|PRIVILEGED AUTHENTICATION ADMINISTRATOR') RETURN p
Return all Azure Users synced from OnPrem AD Azure - General MATCH (n:AZUser WHERE n.onpremisesyncenabled = true) RETURN n
Return all Azure Groups synced from OnPrem AD Azure - General MATCH (g:AZGroup {onpremsyncenabled: True}) RETURN g
Return all Owners of Azure Applications Azure - General MATCH p = (n)-[r:AZOwns]->(g:AZApp) RETURN p
Return all Azure Subscriptions Azure - General MATCH (n:AZSubscription) RETURN n
Return all Azure Subscriptions and their direct Controllers Azure - General MATCH p = (n)-[r:AZOwns|AZUserAccessAdministrator]->(g:AZSubscription) RETURN p
Return all principals with UserAccessAdministrator Role against Subs Azure - General MATCH p = (u)-[r:AZUserAccessAdministrator]->(n:AZSubscription) RETURN p
Return all principals with UserAccessAdministrator Role Azure - General MATCH p = (u)-[r:AZUserAccessAdministrator]->(n) RETURN p
Return all Azure Users without a Role but with "User Access Administrator" Azure - General MATCH (u:AZUser) WHERE NOT EXISTS((u)-[:AZMemberOf|AZHasRole*1..]->(:AZRole)) AND EXISTS((u)-[:AZUserAccessAdministrator]->()) RETURN u
Find all Azure Users with Paths to High Value Targets Azure - Paths MATCH (m:AZUser),(n {highvalue:true}),p=shortestPath((m)-[r*1..]->(n)) WHERE NONE (r IN relationships(p) WHERE type(r)= "GetChanges") AND NONE (r in relationships(p) WHERE type(r)="GetChangesAll") AND NOT m=n RETURN p
Find shortest Paths to High Value Roles Azure - Paths MATCH (n:AZRole WHERE n.displayname =~ '(?i)Global Administrator|User Administrator|Cloud Application Administrator|Authentication Policy Administrator|Exchange Administrator|Helpdesk Administrator|PRIVILEGED AUTHENTICATION ADMINISTRATOR'), (m), p=shortestPath((m)-[r*1..]->(n)) WHERE NOT m=n RETURN p
Find shortest Paths from Owned Azure Users to Azure VMs Azure - Paths MATCH (n:AZVM) MATCH p = shortestPath((m:AZUser{owned: true})-[*..]->(n)) RETURN p
Find shortest Paths from Azure Users to Subscriptions Azure - Paths MATCH (n:AZUser) WITH n MATCH p = shortestPath((n)-[r*1..]->(g:AZSubscription)) RETURN p
Find all Service Principals with MS Graph AZMGGrantAppRoles rights Azure - MS Graph MATCH p=(n)-[r:AZMGGrantAppRoles]->(o:AZTenant) RETURN p
Find shortest Paths to MS Graph Azure - MS Graph MATCH (n) WHERE NOT n.displayname="Microsoft Graph" WITH n MATCH p = shortestPath((n)-[r*1..]->(g:AZServicePrincipal {appdisplayname: "Microsoft Graph"})) WHERE n<>g RETURN p
Return all PRIVILEGED Azure Service Principals Azure - Service Principals MATCH p=(n:AZServicePrincipal)-[:AZHasRole|AZMemberOf*1..2]->(r:AZRole) WHERE r.displayname =~ '(?i)Global Administrator|User Administrator|Cloud Application Administrator|Authentication Policy Administrator|Exchange Administrator|Helpdesk Administrator|PRIVILEGED AUTHENTICATION ADMINISTRATOR|Domain Name Administrator|Hybrid Identity Administrator|External Identity Provider Administrator|Privileged Role Administrator|Partner Tier2 Support|Application Administrator|Directory Synchronization Accounts' RETURN p