Tool - GraphRunner

4. Tools

4.1 GraphRunner - Black Hill

According to Black Hill, GraphRunner is a post exploitation tool to get information regarding Graph API. Video

IEX (iwr '')

The github repository: GraphRunner

If you don't know where to start, List-GraphRunnerModules is a good start.

The best examples are here. ../PwnedLabs/4. Loot Exchange, Teams and SharePoint with GraphRunner

Category Command Description
Authentication Get-GraphTokens Authenticate as a user to Microsoft Graph
Invoke-RefreshGraphTokens Use a refresh token to obtain new access tokens
Get-AzureAppTokens Complete OAuth flow as an app to obtain access tokens
Invoke-RefreshAzureAppTokens Use a refresh token and app credentials to refresh a token
Invoke-AutoTokenRefresh Refresh tokens at an interval
Recon & Enumeration Invoke-GraphRecon General recon for org info, user settings, directory sync settings, etc.
Invoke-DumpCAPS Gets conditional access policies
Invoke-DumpApps Gets app registrations and external enterprise apps, along with consent info
Get-AzureADUsers Retrieves user directory
Get-SecurityGroups Retrieves security groups and their members
Get-UpdatableGroups Finds groups that can be modified by the current user
Get-DynamicGroups Displays membership rules for dynamic groups
Get-SharePointSiteURLs Lists SharePoint site URLs visible to the user
Invoke-GraphOpenInboxFinder Checks inboxes in a list to see if they are readable
Get-TenantID Retrieves the tenant GUID from the domain name
Persistence Invoke-InjectOAuthApp Injects an app registration into the tenant
Invoke-SecurityGroupCloner Clones a security group with an identical name, injecting another user as well
Invoke-InviteGuest Invites a guest user to the tenant
Invoke-AddGroupMember Adds a member to a group
Pillage Invoke-SearchSharePointAndOneDrive Searches across SharePoint sites and OneDrive drives
Invoke-ImmersiveFileReader Opens restricted files with the immersive reader
Invoke-SearchMailbox Performs deep searches across a user's mailbox and exports messages
Invoke-SearchTeams Searches all Teams messages in readable channels
Invoke-SearchUserAttributes Searches for terms across user attributes
Get-Inbox Gets latest inbox items, can read shared mailboxes
Get-TeamsChat Downloads full Teams chat conversations
GraphRunner Invoke-GraphRunner Runs multiple recon and search commands in sequence
Supplemental Invoke-AutoOAuthFlow Automates OAuth flow to obtain access/refresh tokens
Invoke-DeleteOAuthApp Deletes an OAuth App
Invoke-DeleteGroup Deletes a group
Invoke-RemoveGroupMember Removes a user from a group
Invoke-DriveFileDownload Downloads files from SharePoint/OneDrive
Invoke-CheckAccess Checks if tokens are valid
Invoke-HTTPServer Basic web server for accessing emailviewer output
Invoke-BruteClientIDAccess Tests different client IDs to determine permissions
Invoke-ImportTokens Imports tokens from other tools for GraphRunner
Get-UserObjectID Retrieves Object ID for a user

4.2 Complete Workflow of System Information Gaining

This complete flow shows how testers can move from authentication to recon, persistence, and ultimately data extraction.

graph TD
    A[Authentication] --> B[Recon & Enumeration] --> C[Persistence] --> D[Pillage]

Each stage flows into the next, allowing the tester to progressively gain more access and extract more information from the system.

4.2.1 Authentication Flow

Testers need to authenticate with the system to gain access to its data and services. Here's a flow showing how the authentication process works.

graph TD
    A[Start Authentication]
    A --> B[Get-GraphTokens]
    B --> C{Authenticated?}
    C -- Yes --> D[Proceed to Recon & Enumeration]
    C -- No --> E[Invoke-RefreshGraphTokens]
    E --> C
    D --> F[Invoke-AutoTokenRefresh]
    F --> D
    A --> G[Get-AzureAppTokens]
    G --> C

This flow shows how a tester authenticates with Microsoft Graph using either user tokens or app tokens. If tokens are expired, they can be refreshed.

4.2.2. Recon & Enumeration Flow

After authentication, testers move on to gathering system information through recon and enumeration commands.

graph TD
    A[Start Recon & Enumeration]
    A --> B[Invoke-GraphRecon]
    B --> C{Get Org Information?}
    C --> D[Invoke-DumpCAPS]
    D --> E[Conditional Access Policies]
    C --> F[Invoke-DumpApps]
    F --> G[App Registrations & Permissions]
    B --> H[Get-AzureADUsers]
    H --> I[User Directory Information]
    B --> J[Get-SecurityGroups]
    J --> K[Group Memberships]
    A --> L[Get-SharePointSiteURLs]
    L --> M[SharePoint Site Information]
    A --> N[Invoke-GraphOpenInboxFinder]
    N --> O[Read Inbox Access]

This flow covers general recon like getting org information, app registrations, conditional access policies, user directories, group memberships, SharePoint site URLs, and inbox access.

4.2.3. Persistence Flow

Once testers have basic access, they may attempt to maintain their access by creating persistence mechanisms in the system.

graph TD
    A[Start Persistence]
    A --> B[Invoke-InjectOAuthApp]
    B --> C[Inject OAuth App into Tenant]
    A --> D[Invoke-SecurityGroupCloner]
    D --> E[Clone Security Group]
    E --> F[Add Additional Members]
    A --> G[Invoke-InviteGuest]
    G --> H[Invite Guest User to Tenant]
    A --> I[Invoke-AddGroupMember]
    I --> J[Add Member to Group]

In the persistence stage, testers can inject OAuth apps, clone security groups to create persistence backdoors, or add new group members.

4.2.4. Pillage Flow

After gaining persistence, testers can move on to extracting sensitive information from the system, such as files, emails, and Teams conversations.

graph TD
    A[Start Pillage]
    A --> B[Invoke-SearchSharePointAndOneDrive]
    B --> C[Search SharePoint & OneDrive Files]
    A --> D[Invoke-SearchMailbox]
    D --> E[Search Emails]
    E --> F[Export Mailbox Messages]
    A --> G[Invoke-SearchTeams]
    G --> H[Search Teams Messages]
    A --> I[Get-Inbox]
    I --> J[Read Inbox Items]
    A --> K[Get-TeamsChat]
    K --> L[Download Teams Conversations]

In the pillage phase, testers can search SharePoint sites, OneDrive, mailboxes, and Teams for sensitive data that may be available to them.