3. Syscalls Flow

1. Flow of system calls -ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll



What is a Syscall (System Call)?

A syscall (system call) is a low-level function that allows a user-mode application to request services from the Windows Kernel (ntoskrnl.exe). It is the bridge between user mode and kernel mode, enabling programs to interact with the hardware and OS resources.

Syscalls are the core mechanism used when a WinAPI function (e.g., VirtualAlloc, CreateFile) needs to perform an operating system-level action.

Syscalls exist in the Windows Kernel, not in ntdll.dll.
ntdll.dll only provides the user-mode interface for calling syscalls.

graph TD
  A[User Application] -->|Calls WinAPI _e.g., VirtualAlloc_| B[WinAPI DLLs _kernel32.dll, user32.dll_]
  B -->|Calls NTAPI _e.g., NtAllocateVirtualMemory_| C[NTDLL.DLL]
  C -->|Triggers Syscall| D[Syscall Interface]
  D -->|Switches to Kernel Mode| E[Windows Kernel _ntoskrnl.exe_]
  E -->|Executes System Operation| F[Hardware & OS Components]
  F -->|Returns Data| E
  E -->|Returns to User Mode| D
  D -->|Passes Data to NTAPI| C
  C -->|Passes Data to WinAPI| B
  B -->|Returns Result to Application| A

Explanation of Flow

  1. User Application Calls WinAPI
    • The program calls a standard function (e.g., VirtualAlloc) from kernel32.dll or user32.dll.
  2. WinAPI Calls NTAPI (ntdll.dll)
    • The WinAPI function internally calls an NTAPI function (e.g., NtAllocateVirtualMemory).
  3. NTAPI Calls a Syscall
    • ntdll.dll executes the syscall instruction, transferring execution to the Windows Kernel.
  4. The syscall interface switches from user mode to kernel mode (ring 3 → ring 0)
  5. The Windows Kernel (ntoskrnl.exe) processes the request and interacts with hardware or system components. The kernel handles the request using SSDT (System Service Dispatch Table).
  6. Result is Returned
    • The kernel completes the task and returns the result through the syscall interface back to ntdll.dll.
    • Finally, the result is returned to the application.

3. Example of a Syscall in Action

Example Syscall Mapping

WinAPI Function NTAPI Function (ntdll.dll) Syscall (SSDT)
VirtualAlloc NtAllocateVirtualMemory NtAllocateVirtualMemory
ReadFile NtReadFile NtReadFile
CreateProcess NtCreateProcess NtCreateProcess
OpenProcess NtOpenProcess NtOpenProcess
WriteProcessMemory NtWriteVirtualMemory NtWriteVirtualMemory

Example: NtAllocateVirtualMemory (NTAPI) → NtAllocateVirtualMemory (Syscall in Kernel Mode)
Example: NtCreateProcess (NTAPI) → NtCreateProcess (Syscall in Kernel Mode)

graph TD
  A[User Application] -->|Calls VirtualAlloc| B[WinAPI _kernel32.dll_]
  B -->|Calls NtAllocateVirtualMemory| C[NTAPI _ntdll.dll_]
  C -->|Triggers Syscall Instruction| D[Windows Kernel _ntoskrnl.exe_]
  D -->|Executes Kernel Function| E[Memory Allocated]
  E -->|Returns Result| A

2. Why Do NTAPI and Syscalls Have the Same Name?

Layer Function Purpose
WinAPI VirtualAlloc High-level API for memory allocation.
NTAPI NtAllocateVirtualMemory Low-level API in ntdll.dll that wraps a syscall.
Syscall NtAllocateVirtualMemory Direct kernel function executed in ntoskrnl.exe.

🔹 NtAllocateVirtualMemory exists both in ntdll.dll (user mode) and ntoskrnl.exe (kernel mode).
🔹 The user-mode version in ntdll.dll invokes the syscall instruction, which transitions execution to kernel mode.
🔹 The kernel-mode version inside ntoskrnl.exe actually performs the operation.

3. NTAPI vs. Syscall – Key Differences

Aspect NTAPI (ntdll.dll) Syscall (Kernel Mode)
Location User mode (ntdll.dll) Kernel mode (ntoskrnl.exe)
Execution Mode Runs in Ring 3 Runs in Ring 0
How It Works Calls a syscall instruction (syscall, sysenter) Executes the requested system operation
Security Hooks? Can be hooked by AV/EDR Harder to hook directly
Performance Slightly slower (has to transition to kernel mode) Direct execution in kernel mode

4. How to Manually Call a Syscall directly(Without WinAPI)

More info here: 4. Direct syscalls intro

Example: Calling a Syscall in Assembly

section .text
global _start

    mov eax, 0x18  ; Syscall number for NtAllocateVirtualMemory
    mov edx, 0x1234  ; Some parameters
    int 0x2E        ; Trigger syscall (Windows XP and older)

⚠️ Modern Windows versions no longer use int 0x2E but instead use syscall or sysenter.

For x64

section .text
global _start

    mov r10, rcx               ; Syscall convention requires RCX → R10
    mov eax, 0x18              ; Syscall number for NtAllocateVirtualMemory (example, may change)
    syscall                    ; Call the Windows Kernel
    ret                        ; Return to caller