4. Direct syscalls intro


Direct syscalls bypass user-mode API layers by calling the syscall instruction directly.
Direct syscalls offer stealth but leave a suspicious call stack.

Direct Syscall Workflow:

  1. Load ntdll.dll and resolve the syscall number for the target function.
  2. Execute the syscall instruction directly without calling the user-mode API.
  3. Transfer execution to kernel mode, bypassing hooks in ntdll.dll.
  4. Return the result to user-mode.

Mermaid Diagram - Direct vs Indirect Syscall

graph TD;
    A[User Application] -->|Direct Call| B[Syscall Instruction]
    B -->|Kernel Mode| C[ntoskrnl.exe]
    C --> D[Return to User Mode]
    A2[User Application] -->|Indirect Call| E[ntdll.dll]
    E -->|Jump to Syscall Stub| F[Syscall Instruction]
    F -->|Kernel Mode| C