Enumerate Windows

Windows Enumeration Techniques

Category Technique Description Tools/Commands
System Information Gather System Info Collect basic system details such as OS version, architecture, and installed patches. systeminfo

wmic os get osarchitecture
List Installed Updates Identify installed patches and updates for vulnerability assessment. wmic qfe get

Environment Variables Enumerate Environment Variables Check for sensitive data stored in environment variables. set
Get-ChildItem Env:
User Information List Users and Groups Identify local users and group memberships. net users

net localgroup,

whoami /all
Check Password Policies Review password policies for potential weaknesses. net accounts
Processes and Services List Running Processes Identify running processes for potential insights. tasklist
Check Service Permissions Find services with misconfigured permissions. sc qc, accesschk.exe
Network Configuration View Network Interfaces Get information on network interfaces and configurations. ipconfig /all, Get-NetIPConfiguration
List Open Ports Identify open ports and listening services. netstat -ano
Check Firewall Rules Review firewall settings and rules. netsh advfirewall show allprofiles
Scheduled Tasks Enumerate Scheduled Tasks Identify tasks that may run with elevated privileges. schtasks /query, Get-ScheduledTask
Registry Enumeration Search for Sensitive Registry Entries Look for registry keys that may contain credentials or configuration data. reg query
File System Find Interesting Files and Directories Search for files containing sensitive information like passwords or configuration files. dir /s *pass*, Get-ChildItem
Check File and Folder Permissions Identify files or folders with weak permissions. icacls, accesschk.exe
Credentials Check Credential Manager Look for saved credentials in the Windows Credential Manager. cmdkey /list
Examine Browser Credentials Review saved passwords and autofill data in browsers. Use browser-specific tools
Logging and Auditing Review Event Logs Analyze event logs for anomalies or important information. eventvwr.msc, Get-EventLog
Network Shares Enumerate Network Shares Identify accessible network shares. net view, net use
Installed Applications List Installed Software Identify installed applications for potential vulnerabilities or management. wmic product get, Get-WmiObject

Mermaid Diagram of Windows Enumeration Techniques

graph LR

A[User, Privilege, Group]
B[Computer info]
C[Network info]

A --> A1[net users, net localgroup, whoami /all, net user username, Get-LocalUser]
A1 --> A11[net accounts]

B --> B1[OS]
B1 --> B11[systeminfo,  wmic os get osarchitecture]
B1 --> B12[wmic qfe get,  Get-Hotfix]

B --> B2[Process and Services]
B2 --> B21[tasklist, Get-Process]
B21 --> B211[Permission check: sc qc, accesschk.exe]

B --> B3[Registry]
B3 --> B31[reg query]

B --> B4[Scheduled Tasks]
B4 --> B41[schtasks /query, Get-ScheduledTask]

B --> B5[Environment]
B5--> B51[set,  Get-ChildItem Env:]

B --> B6[Interesting Files/software]
B6 --> B61[File/Folder Permission : icacls, accesschk.exe]
B6 --> B62[wmic product get, Get-WmiObject]

B7[Credentials]--> B71[cmdkey /list]
B7 --> B72[findstr /si password *.txt *.ini *.config]

B --> B8[Logging/Auditing]
B8 --> B81[eventvwr.msc, Get-EventLog]

C--> C1[Network]
C1 --> C11[ipconfig /all, Get-NetIPConfiguration]
C1 --> C12[Firewall: netsh advfirewall show allprofiles]
C1 --> C13[route print, arp -a]

C--> C2[Network share]
C2 --> C21[net view, net use]