Enumerate Windows
Windows Enumeration Techniques
Category | Technique | Description | Tools/Commands |
System Information | Gather System Info | Collect basic system details such as OS version, architecture, and installed patches. | systeminfo wmic os get osarchitecture |
List Installed Updates | Identify installed patches and updates for vulnerability assessment. | wmic qfe get Get-Hotfix |
Environment Variables | Enumerate Environment Variables | Check for sensitive data stored in environment variables. | set Get-ChildItem Env: |
User Information | List Users and Groups | Identify local users and group memberships. | net users net localgroup, whoami /all |
Check Password Policies | Review password policies for potential weaknesses. | net accounts | |
Processes and Services | List Running Processes | Identify running processes for potential insights. | tasklist Get-Process |
Check Service Permissions | Find services with misconfigured permissions. | sc qc , accesschk.exe |
Network Configuration | View Network Interfaces | Get information on network interfaces and configurations. | ipconfig /all , Get-NetIPConfiguration |
List Open Ports | Identify open ports and listening services. | netstat -ano |
Check Firewall Rules | Review firewall settings and rules. | netsh advfirewall show allprofiles |
Scheduled Tasks | Enumerate Scheduled Tasks | Identify tasks that may run with elevated privileges. | schtasks /query , Get-ScheduledTask |
Registry Enumeration | Search for Sensitive Registry Entries | Look for registry keys that may contain credentials or configuration data. | reg query |
File System | Find Interesting Files and Directories | Search for files containing sensitive information like passwords or configuration files. | dir /s *pass* , Get-ChildItem |
Check File and Folder Permissions | Identify files or folders with weak permissions. | icacls , accesschk.exe |
Credentials | Check Credential Manager | Look for saved credentials in the Windows Credential Manager. | cmdkey /list |
Examine Browser Credentials | Review saved passwords and autofill data in browsers. | Use browser-specific tools | |
Logging and Auditing | Review Event Logs | Analyze event logs for anomalies or important information. | eventvwr.msc , Get-EventLog |
Network Shares | Enumerate Network Shares | Identify accessible network shares. | net view , net use |
Installed Applications | List Installed Software | Identify installed applications for potential vulnerabilities or management. | wmic product get , Get-WmiObject |
Mermaid Diagram of Windows Enumeration Techniques
graph LR A[User, Privilege, Group] B[Computer info] C[Network info] A --> A1[net users, net localgroup, whoami /all, net user username, Get-LocalUser] A1 --> A11[net accounts] B --> B1[OS] B1 --> B11[systeminfo, wmic os get osarchitecture] B1 --> B12[wmic qfe get, Get-Hotfix] B --> B2[Process and Services] B2 --> B21[tasklist, Get-Process] B21 --> B211[Permission check: sc qc, accesschk.exe] B --> B3[Registry] B3 --> B31[reg query] B --> B4[Scheduled Tasks] B4 --> B41[schtasks /query, Get-ScheduledTask] B --> B5[Environment] B5--> B51[set, Get-ChildItem Env:] B --> B6[Interesting Files/software] B6 --> B61[File/Folder Permission : icacls, accesschk.exe] B6 --> B62[wmic product get, Get-WmiObject] B7[Credentials]--> B71[cmdkey /list] B7 --> B72[findstr /si password *.txt *.ini *.config] B --> B8[Logging/Auditing] B8 --> B81[eventvwr.msc, Get-EventLog] C--> C1[Network] C1 --> C11[ipconfig /all, Get-NetIPConfiguration] C1 --> C12[Firewall: netsh advfirewall show allprofiles] C1 --> C13[route print, arp -a] C--> C2[Network share] C2 --> C21[net view, net use]