Black Box Appraoch

Black Box Testing Examples:

  1. Identifying Input Points:

    • Example: During your assessment, you identify that the application uses a cookie called userData which appears to contain serialized data.
      Action: Capture and inspect the cookie value. Prepare to test it with modified or malicious serialized data.
  2. Sending Malformed Data:

    • Example: Using Burp Suite, intercept a request containing the userData cookie:
      Cookie: userData=<base64 encoded serialized object>
      Action: Modify the userData value to include malformed serialized data and observe the response for errors or crashes.
  3. Using Exploitation Tools:

    • Example: Generate a payload using for a .NET application: -g TypeConfuseDelegate -f Json.Net
      Action: Inject this payload into the userData cookie and send the request. Monitor for successful execution or error messages indicating deserialization.
  4. Monitoring Responses:

    • Example: You receive a response with an error stack trace indicating a deserialization error:
      System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document
      Action: Use this information to refine your payloads and pinpoint the exact deserialization vulnerability.
  5. Proxy and Intercept:

    • Example: Intercept and modify traffic using Burp Suite to insert malicious serialized data:
      POST /someEndpoint HTTP/1.1
      Content-Type: application/xml
      Action: Send the modified request and observe the application's behavior.

Practical Steps with Examples:

  1. Set Up Monitoring:

    • White Box: Add logging to the deserialization function:
      public T Deserialize<T>(string xml)
              XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
              using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(xml))
                  return (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
          catch (Exception ex)
              Logger.Log("Deserialization error: " + ex.Message);
    • Black Box: Use Burp Suite to capture and analyze HTTP traffic:
      GET /someEndpoint HTTP/1.1
      Cookie: userData=<captured_base64_encoded_data>
  2. Generate and Test Payloads:

    • White Box: Modify code to test deserialization with different payloads:
      string testXml = "<MyObject><Property>test</Property></MyObject>";
      MyObject obj = Deserialize<MyObject>(testXml);
    • Black Box: Use ysoserial to generate payloads:
      ysoserial -o Pickle -p RCE "ping -c 1"
  3. Analyze Error Responses:

    • White Box: Review log files for deserialization errors:
      Deserialization error: InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document
    • Black Box: Inspect HTTP response for stack traces or error messages:
      HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
      Content-Type: text/html
              <h1>Server Error</h1>
              <p>System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document</p>