
Basic Commands

docker version #Get version of docker client, API, engine, containerd, runc, docker-init
docker info #Get more infomarion about docker settings
docker pull registry:5000/alpine #Download the image
docker inspect <containerid> #Get info of the contaienr
docker network ls #List network info
docker exec -it <containerid> /bin/sh #Get shell inside a container
docker commit <cotainerid> registry:5000/name-container #Update container
docker export -o alpine.tar <containerid> #Export container as tar file
docker save -o ubuntu.tar <image> #Export an image
docker ps -a #List running and stopped containers
docker stop <containedID> #Stop running container
docker rm <containerID> #Remove container ID
docker image ls #List images
docker rmi <imgeID> #Remove image
docker system prune -a
#This will remove:
#  - all stopped containers
#  - all networks not used by at least one container
#  - all images without at least one container associated to them
#  - all build cache

docker-compose down #Stop existing instance.
docker-compose up  # start a new, independent container
docker-compose exec  # Run inside existing running service container. 
docker logs -n 5 <container name>

These files indicates the use of Docker Containers


Docker Files structure

Docker Architecture

Docker Architecture is the backbone of this powerful platform.

It follows a client-server model, and includes major components such as the Docker Client, Docker Host, Docker Images, Docker Containers, and Docker Registry.

Let’s take a closer look:

Docker Client: The starting point of our Docker journey! πŸš€

The Docker client provides a way for users to interact with Docker.

When we fire a Docker command, the Docker client sends these instructions to the Docker daemon, which carries out the requested tasks.

Docker Daemon: Taskmaster on the scene! πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ

The Docker daemon runs on the host machine and handles all requests from the Docker client, such as building, running, and distributing Docker containers.

Docker Images: Your application’s blueprint. 🏒

Docker Images are read-only templates that form the basis of containers.

They include all the dependencies your application needs to run effectively.

Docker Containers: Running instances of Docker images. πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

A Docker container holds everything needed to run an application β€” the code, runtime, libraries, environment variables, and configuration files.

Docker Registry: Like a library for Docker Images! πŸ“š

The Docker registry is where Docker images live.

Docker Hub is a public registry that anyone can use, but you also have the option of creating your own private registry.

The four most basic Docker commands are illustrated in the attached image -

Docker Pull

πšπš˜πšŒπš”πšŽπš› πš™πšžπš•πš• πš™πš˜πšœπšπšπš›πšŽπšœ
β€’ Checks if the image is already downloaded locally.
β€’ If not, it will download the image from Docker Hub.
β€’ Docker Hub is a public registry where Docker images are stored.

Docker Build

πšπš˜πšŒπš”πšŽπš› πš‹πšžπš’πš•πš .
β€’ Builds the current Dockerfile and creates a local image for your application.
β€’ The Dockerfile is a text file that contains the instructions for building the image.
β€’ Can be used to build custom images for your applications.

Docker Push

πšπš˜πšŒπš”πšŽπš› πš™πšžπšœπš‘ <πšŠπš™πš™πš•πš’πšŒπšŠπšπš’πš˜πš— πš’πš–πšŠπšπšŽ>
β€’ Uploads the image/extension/plugin to Docker Hub.
β€’ Can be used to share your images with others.

Docker Run

β€’ Takes an image and runs a container from it.
β€’ The container will run the image’s executable and expose the image’s ports.
β€’ Can be used to start a web server, a database, or any other type of application.
πšπš˜πšŒπš”πšŽπš› πš›πšžπš— πš—πšπš’πš—πš‘

docker basic format

Docker debugging ports

Port 9229:9229
Port 9228:9228