EJS template

const template = "hello <% echo('world'); %>";

Within EJS template, <% %> is a scriptlet tag, which executes JS code.

ejs.render ?

const ejs = require("ejs");

// Data object (empty in this case)
const data = {};

// Options object specifying the custom output function name
const options = { outputFunctionName: 'echo' };

// Rendering the template using EJS
const rendered = ejs.render(template, data, options);

When ejs.renderexectues, two things happen.

  1. It evaluates the template.
  2. The scriptlet <% echo ('world') %> executes the function named echo

Template Output: The visible output "hello world" indeed comes from the template. The static part "hello " is directly outputted, while the dynamic part "world" is generated by the echo function defined in the template.

Purpose of options: The options object ({ outputFunctionName: 'echo' }) allows you to customize how EJS interprets and executes the template. By specifying outputFunctionName, you control which function within the template handles dynamic content generation.

So in my dummy words:
The options object tells the render function which function name should be recognized and executed within the template.