Templating Engine

What is Templating Engine?

Aspect Details
Purpose Render input data into output documents (like HTML) through a template.
Functionality - Combine markup code (e.g., HTML) with programming constructs
- Insert variables, loops, conditionals, etc. into templates
- Visualize data in a target output format
Common Uses - Web development (frontend and backend)
- Generate reports, documents, or formatted data
- Separate presentation from business logic
Benefits - Simplify dynamic content creation
- Improve code organization and reusability
- Enable rapid web application development
Popular Templating Engines Handlebars, EJS, Pug (formerly Jade), Mustache, Razor (for .NET)
Typical Features - Variable substitution
- Loops, conditionals
- Include other templates/partials
- Data manipulation filters/helpers
Usage - Integrated into web frameworks and servers
- Standalone in various programming environments

Common Templating Engine Packages, ejs, hbs, pug


Templating Engine Description Complexity (lines of code)
Pug Formerly Jade, Pug uses significant whitespace to replace brackets and semicolons. 5,853
Handlebars Simplified Mustache templating language that includes many features like block helpers and partials. 5,142
EJS Embedded JavaScript with both the compile and render function, making it simpler. 1,120