import os
import re
from colorama import init, Fore, Style
# Init colorama
vulnerable_functions = [
"eval(", "exec(", "system(", "shell_exec(", "passthru(", "include(", "require(",
"include_once(", "require_once(", "preg_replace(", "unserialize(",
"file_get_contents(", "fopen(", "proc_open(", "popen(", "create_function(",
"assert(", "dl(", "pcntl_exec(", "`", "call_user_func(",
"call_user_func_array(", "get_defined_functions(", "array_search("
def search_vulnerable_functions(directory, functions_to_search):
matches= []
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".php"):
file_path = os.path.join(root,file)
with open(file_path, 'r', errors ='ignore') as f:
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
for func in functions_to_search:
if'\b' + re.escape(func), line):
matches.append((file_path, i + 1, func, line.strip()))
return matches
def print_matches(matches):
for match in matches:
file_path, line_number, func, line = match
print (f"{Fore.GREEN}File: {file_path}, {Fore.CYAN}Line: {line_number}{Style.RESET_ALL}, Function: {Fore.RED}{func}{Style.RESET_ALL}, Code: {line}")
def main():
print("Select the vulnerable functions to search for:")
for i, func in enumerate(vulnerable_functions):
print(f"{i+1}. {func}")
choices = input("Enter the numbers of the functions to search for (comma-separated): ")
selected_functions = [vulnerable_functions[int(choice) -1] for choice in choices.split(",")]
custom_function = input("Enter a custom function to search for (or press Enter to skip): ")
if custom_function:
selected_functions.append(custom_function + "(")
directory =input ("Enter the directory to search in: ")
matches = search_vulnerable_functions(directory, selected_functions)
if matches:
print("No vulnerable functions found.")
if __name__ == "__main__":