8.1 HTTP Verb


HTTP Verb Explanation
GET Abused for information gathering and query string-based attacks; often targeted as it's used to request data from a specified resource.
POST Commonly exploited for injecting malicious data or commands as it sends data to a server to create/update a resource.
PUT Misused to upload files or data to the server; can lead to unauthorized file uploads if not properly secured.
DELETE If not properly secured, it can be abused to remove critical data or files from the server.
HEAD Similar to GET but only requests the headers; can be exploited for reconnaissance without triggering logging mechanisms as clearly as GET.
OPTIONS Can reveal information about the server's capabilities and configurations, potentially exposing vulnerabilities.
TRACE Used to echo back input for diagnostic purposes; can be exploited in Cross-Site Tracing (XST) attacks to steal information like cookies.
CONNECT Meant for use with proxies, but can be abused to set up unauthorized network tunnels if the server is misconfigured.
PATCH Used for partial modifications to resources; if not properly validated, it can lead to data corruption or unauthorized data manipulation.
COPY Part of the WebDAV extension; can be abused to duplicate files or data, potentially leading to unauthorized data access or server overload.